How do I configure a cron job?

  1. Login to cPanel.
  2. Locate and click on the "Cron Jobs" icon under the "Advanced" category.

    Locate the Cron Job icon
  3. Fill in the required information.
    • Common Settings - You can use this dropdown list to populate all but the last fields.
    • Minute - The minute setting for the cron job.
    • Hour - The hour setting for the cron job.
    • Day - The day setting for the cron job.
    • Month - The month setting for the cron job.
    • Weekday - The weekday setting for the cron job.
    • Command - The cron job command to execute. If you wanted to execute a script, the command would look similar to this:
      • php -q /home/ACCOUNTNAME/public_html/script_in_my_root_directory.php

Configuring the cron job
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