PHP Selector

Webdomain is now happy to offer with all shared and reseller webhosting plans more flexibilty with PHP Selector.From now on, each customer can choose and customize the PHP version he needs thru cPanel.Adjustable to all needs, with few clicks, it is now possible to configure which version, which modules as well as some PHP.ini settings you want.PHP ... 閱讀全文 »

20th Oct 2014
Poodle Vulnerability

Yesterday, a new vulnerability named POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) was discovered by Google security researchers Bodo Möller, Thai Duong, and Krzysztof Kotowicz. Instead of targeting the server directly as Heartbleed or ShellShock did, this exploit directly targets the clients that are visiting the sites.Google ... 閱讀全文 »

15th Oct 2014